Saturday 7 February 2015

The Pros and Cons of the Wii U

Surprisingly, my brother allowed me to play on his Wii U. I've played it quite a bit actually, so I thought it'd be fair if I did a pros and cons for the Wii U, then we'll compare it to the Xbox One.


- New Mario Kart is fantastic, includes Waluigi
- Smash Bros is better than the Wii version
- Lego City Undercover was surprisingly good, has some funny references to Cop/Mafia movies like Goodfellas
- Good variety of games
- Super Mario Bros. Platformers are fun when played with other people
- Playing games on the gamepad is pretty much the same graphical standpoint as the TV, which is absolutely amazing
- I can watch TV and play on the Wii U, like the Xbox snap feature really
- Online play is fun, especially on Mario Kart
- Can play Wii games


- Nintendo has succumbed to DLC for Mario Kart, expect it in their other games soon, like new fighters and stages for Smash Bros
- Doesn't include a GameCube adapter and they are hard as balls to come by
- Fingerprints all over the gamepad. like, everywhere
- Ran out of memory pretty fast (32GB), recommend buying a 64GB memory stick and leaving it in the front of the Wii U.

So, should you spend X amount of money on X amount of Wii U's? Yep. It can play Wii games, much like the Wii could play Gamecube games. As you can tell, the positives outweigh the negatives so I'm pretty sure that's a good first step. As for the DLC, it's optional, I'm sure it wont bug you that much, GameCube adapter is optional and for Smash Bros. As for the fingerprints and memory, good luck with those...

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