Platform: Steam
Store Page
Price I Paid: Free!
I am a die hard Metal Slug fan, I absolutely adore the series and each and every game in the series, but this one is just a cash grab, slap in the face to the community and fans. This could have been an entirely different game if it didn't have Metal Slug slapped onto it. So, how was it?
It functions, I guess. Well, that's a lie. I have a laptop that allows touch screen use, very good, don't like getting fingerprints on the screen but this game is a mobile port, so it makes sense that the game would allow you to use touch screen computers/laptops. It barely works, it sometimes works when you want to have a look around some of the items, but it's easier to left click and pull the mouse along. Don't bother trying to push buttons with the touch screen either, wont work at all. You can tell it's a mobile game, at the start screen it says "Tap to start" so it gave me a bad impression to begin with.
Graphics wise, I'm impressed to be honest, glad they got the traditional graphics style as the Metal Slug series, along with the music. They kind of changed the music, made it a little higher pitched. One big problem with the game is mission 3, actually all missions for that matter, One slip up and there is little to no way of getting back into the game. You will lose, lots.
It's a nice idea that wasn't executed well, with a premium currency like all mobile games, I can't recommend this to anyone, not even die hard Metal Slug fans, at least they get the characters and story right...
Metal Slug Defence gets a 4/10
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