Platform: Nintendo GameCube
Store Page
Price I Paid: Free!
Movie and TV show tie in games are never good, see the plethora of games available for that such as Lost and CSI. But there are some good movie tie in games, most notably the James Bond games and this. The Simpsons Hit and Run, which is a GTA-esq type game, but with Simpsons characters and locations for a more friendly audience.
I've had this game for years, but this is the first time I've actually completed it until now, fully, 100%, All the cards, vehicles, races and so on. It sounds easy, but it was. Yeah, it was fun, I enjoyed my time with it and it's as fun as I remember it.
Basically the plot is Krusty is releasing Buzz Cola, but that's evil or something and you play as a variety of characters to do, something. The story isn't really the best, it's strung together through the missions of each level and some lovely cutscenes throughout the game. One thing I am a fan of is the cutscenes, they're well animated, have the original voice actors doing the voices and are pretty lengthy at times.
Control wise, it's good. Very tight controls, movement is assigned to the left analogue stick, it's all the usual controls that you would have used on GTA. Driving is the same, very tight controls and easy to use. There are a variety of vehicles in the game, lots of them being featured on the show in some way, such as the Car Built for Homer and Marge's SUV.
One thing that bugged me are some of the missions are basically just "Collect X amount of Y before the time runs out." There's a lot of them, you collect many different things, monkeys, ketchup packets and even roadkill. You do the monkey and roadkill one in the same level, i.e Bart's level 2.
With all that in mind, I can safely recommend that you play this game, the repetitive missions may put you off, but the tight controls, GTA-esq setting, voice acting and overall comedy of the game is flawless and phenomenally good.
The Simpsons Hit and Run gets a 9/10
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