Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I think it's only fair that this game gets released onto the Xbox One, what with the Elder Scrolls Online being about as good as a team of monkeys working on the game, so we'll take the next best thing. I'm gonna place my bets and say that all of Bethesda's big games will be out there on the Xbox One, so don't worry Vault Dwellers and Dragon Hunters, I'm more than positive we'll have these games being compatible in no time.
Fallout New Vegas
Another great game by Bethesda, and with the release of Fallout 4 on November 10th, I want to go back through the older games and play through them before the inevitable downfall of society as a whole, when Fallout 4 is released and everyone become's a slave to Bethesda. This game, like Fallout 3 is a lot of fun, has a lot to offer and has a lot of cheap DLC to expand your gameplay.
Dead Rising 2
I like zombie games, but Dead Rising 2 offered something new. An open world zombie game where you could do whatever the hell you wanted, obviously Dead Rising did this first, but Dead Rising 2 was and is still a fantastic game that needs to be compatible with the Xbox One. I've played hours upon hours of this game and haven't really made any progression with the story or achievements, it was one of the few games where it was too fun to care about anything else.
Fable III
I feel as if this game was underestimated for whatever reason, I know Peter Molyneux is a giant lord of death that created this game, but, c'mon, it's Fable. It obviously isn't as in depth as it could be but I enjoyed my Kingly duties, buying properties, slaughtering innocent people, laughing at the homeless and breaking promises. Just like the British government.
Call of Duty: World at War
My favourite of the Call of Duty games, World at War, not for it's campaign, obviously for the zombie mode. It was fantastic, one of the only Call of Duty games I still play to this day, just the same four maps for the past 7 years has been fun and I really do hope this gets to be backwards compatible, because, let's face it, this was one of the most fun Call of Duty games out there.
Left 4 Dead

But Ewan! What about Left 4 Dead 2? That featured the first four campaigns and more DLC than EA could dream of! So? I loved the original Left 4 Dead, more so than the sequel. I'm sure both will be compatible but I'll be playing Left 4 Dead, not Left 4 Dead 2. I'm actually not sure why I prefer this game over the second instalment, so I'll let you fill the rest in. I like the game because ___________
Rage was extremely overlooked in my opinion, it looks like a gritty brown shooter, it is a gritty brown shooter but it is extremely fun, considering it came from the people who made DOOM AND QUAKE. Apparently that isn't good enough to fight off against Gears of War, so the game didn't do as well as it should have. Which is a shame because this game is really fun.
Castle Crashers
I haven't played a whole lot of this game, well, I have, but nobody plays it anymore, which is a shame because it's a lot of fun, the guys who made this made Battleblock Theater as well, but I remember them more for this game than anything else. 4 Player action packed fun, a whole lot of comedy, boss battles, weapons, pets and characters. It really is fantastic, and with Alien Hominid being backwards compatible, we'll probably see Castle Crashers at some point too.
Fallout 3
Just like New Vegas, this game has offered me a lot of gameplay and stuff, but I never got round to playing it, making this compatible for the Xbox One is most likely going to happen, especially since Fallout 4 is just around the corner.
Halo Wars
This is the game least likely to be compatible, seeing as though the Master Chief Collection will probably add this game to their broken list of games they want to suck money out of. Which is a shame because Halo Wars was one of the few good strategy games on the Xbox 360 and the fact that it doesn't have a sequel is shameful.
So long as Microsoft doesn't mess this up in any way, we should be fine...
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