Doom set for 2016
Lovely, another reboot by Bethesda, if they do the same as they did with Wolfenstein then I'm sure it'll be very good and we'll all get along happily. I think relationships between Doom and the fan base are a bit rough after the whole with the movie and Doom 3, so hopefully Doom can fix everything and make it a bold franchise like it was a long time ago. Also it seems to be getting some form of modding tools for new maps for the multiplayer which is definitely a step in the right direction for both the modding community and keeping the game fresh and alive.
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Dishonoured 2 Announced
Oh, right, this is still a thing. I didn't like the first Dishonoured, it wasn't very good to be honest, another game I doubt I'll review. But they're making a second one, I'm willing to give it a chance to see if it's any good, hopefully better than the first one.
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Fallout 4
Finally, Fallout 4 has been announced and it looks amazing. New stuff, new stuff everywhere. I cannot wait. The trailer looks awesome, the game looks beautiful and for God's sake I want the Pip Boy pre-order bonus, how much is it, my soul? Yeah, I could spare one or two.
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The Elder Scrolls Legends
So Bethesda announced a new Elder Scrolls game after whatever the mess of Elder Scrolls Online was, and what did they do? They made a free to play card game. Say what? Why would they do this? You're supposed to be cleaning up the mess you made with Elder Scrolls Online, not make it worse with a bloody card game. I don't think Fallout 4 is going to clear up your mess with Elder Scrolls, Bethesda. I've got my eye on you.
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Huh, a new IP, a rare thing to see these days. But yeah, it looks fairly OK, nothing to go crazy about yet, but still nice to see Bethesda trying something new. Looks a bit like it's a copy paste of Team Fortress 2, what with the teams and everything, but I have high hopes.
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So, that's it for Bethesda's E3 announcements, some pretty good stuff in there and I'm really excited for Fallout 4 and Doom, one down, a hell of a lot more to go analysis wise though.
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