Mass Effect Andromeda Announced
Another Mass Effect game? Alright then, I don't see a problem with that, I don't mind the series, haven't played it all, only a bit of the second one and that was extremely fun. We haven't gotten too many details on the game, it's scheduled to come out around Christmas 2016, so we'll hopefully get some more information on the game next year.
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Need for Speed makes a return
Need for Speed was a very popular game series back in the day and now that it's back hopefully it'll do well. What's that? It's a F2P game with micro-transactions? Oh no...Oh God no. EA have a tendency to ruin nice things, honestly not too surprised or bothered.
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Star Wars Battlefront
Alright EA, you've impressed me. Star Wars Battlefront is being made by Dice, the people who handle Battlefield titles, so while the game will probably be a buggy mess, I'm sure we'll get some realistically good Star Wars action out of the deal. I'm not too concerned because the E3 release trailer looked good. What I am concerned with is the pre-order "bonuses" that EA have slapped on to make a quick bit of money before the game comes out.
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Mirrors Edge 2
I...I don't honestly know. I didn't play the first one, but the games both look very artsy, I might play through the second one, it looks alright, but Anita Sarkeesian is apparently working on the game or something so it might just be worth sticking to the first one.
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This, is actually rather interesting. It goes to show that not everything EA makes is a reboot of a beloved franchise or the inevitable sequels. So, to be honest, it was nice to see something from EA that was new. Massive props to EA for actually thinking of something new.
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So there you go, the next obligatory analysis will be out sometime between tomorrow and never.
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