Saturday 1 November 2014

TMI Thing: I Was Forced To Do This OK?

So a friend asked me to do this bloody TMI thing and I grudgingly accepted. Enjoy, I know I didn't.

1. What are you wearing?

Aaaand, we're off to a flying start. It depends, in the morning I wear Pyjamas, in the afternoon, I wear shirts and ties, in the evening I change into my formal wear and dine on my balcony. what do you think I wear? Shirts and ties.

2. Ever been in love?

Yes, I'm in love all the time every day with myself.

3. Ever had a terrible breakup?

All of them were terrible breakups. There's no way of not making it terrible, especially when you can't prevent that from happening

4. How tall are you?

5ft 10 I think, might be 5ft 9...

5. How much do you weigh?


6. Any tattoos?

Nope, never have, never will.

7. Any piercings?

Nope, never have, never will.

8. OTP

Uh. What? Firstly, that's more of a statement than anything, this isn't 49 Questions and a statement, I haven't got a- what does it mean? Does it mean On The Phone? Because if so then I'm hip and know euphemism's and no, not on my phone. Looking back at five minutes ago, I have now found out what OTP means thanks to an unreliable source. One True Pairing for fictional characters. Could you not just say, favourite fictional couple? It's either Monica and Chandler, J.D and Elliot, Perry Cox and Jordan Cox or Shaun and Liz from Shaun of the Dead.

9. Favourite Show?

Scrubs. I worsh-watch it everyday.

10. Favourite Band


11. Something you miss?

Don't quite know actually, I could say Scrubs, but if I said that then the FBI would know I want another season of Scrubs and that'd mean making Bill Lawrence work which I can't do, I mean, the man's quite literally a God for making such a show. I know what I miss. I miss a time when the Big Bang Theory was funny. Internet: 0 Me: 1

12. Favourite Song?

I'm No Superman - Lazlo Bane. Google it.

13. How old am I?

Well, I know how to type and have been to a primary school, so I can safely assume I am at least 10.
All you need to know is that I was born on Christmas Day. That's your clue...

14. Zodiac Sign

Capricorn. I don't believe in Zodiac signs though, with my luck the stars would have hit me in the face and killed me by now.

15. Quality You Look for In a Partner?

Street. Jokes aside I would prefer it if they could stand my Sarcasm, supported my hobby of retro game collecting and were literate enough to be able to spell.

16. Favourite Quote?

"Swimming is not a sport. It's something you do to stop drowning" - Jimmy Carr

17. Favourite Actor

One of these three: John C. McGinley, Simon Pegg or Jim Carrey

18. Favourite Colour?


19. Loud or Soft Music?

No idea what that means, most of the music I listen to is soft. I think.

20. Where do you go when you're sad?

I don't go anywhere, I grin and bear it, then cry later.

21. How long does it take you to shower?

0 Minutes, I don't have a shower, only a bath.

22. How long does it take you to get ready?

Hours, I obviously have to put my makeup on a-it takes about two minutes.

23. Ever been in a physical fight?

Not with anyone other than myself.

24. Turn On?


25. Turn Off?


26. Reason I joined Blogger?

Mainly to burden people with my anger, rage, sarcasm and general annoyance of being a person, breathing the same air as all you commoners.

27. Fears?

Horror Games, horror movies, clowns, ducks, ladders, heights (I get vertigo when I jump), sport, physical fitness, balloons, people.

28. Last thing that made you cry?

Scrubs, the episode where SPOILER ALERT  KELSO QUITS. It's such an emotional scene in the series because it's one of the main characters.

29. Last time you said you loved someone?

Never, I'm not really that close to anyone, I never really say "love you" to anyone, because nobody deserves my love, mwa, ha haaa etc...

30. Meaning behind your blogger name?

I wouldn't be trusted as a doctor (Doc.) and I'm sarcastic (Sarcastic). Mush them together and you get pure brilliance: Doc. Sarcastic

31. Last book you read?

The Fear by Charlie Higson

32. Book you're currently reading?

The Enemy by Charlie Higson

33. Last show you watched?

Scrubs, I think. If it counts as being on in the background then it's, still...Scrubs...

34. Last person you talked to?

Katie. BFF's 4 life.

35. Relationship between you and the last person you texted?

Katie. BFF's 4 life.

36. Favourite food?

Cheese, leek and ham pasta from ASDA. Funny thing is, it has no ham in it and you can't taste the leek but it is GORGEOUS.

37. Place you want to visit?

A place with smart people, yet to find another smart human like me,

38. Last place you were?


39. Do you have a crush?

Yup, if I say anything about it I will literally be tormented and burnt at the stake because if I do admit how I feel then I would be crushed because they're too good for me. I am an awful human, they are not.

40. Last time you kissed someone?

Never. ever. Ever. I kissed my copy of Metal Slug 3 goodnight because I was lonely, does that count?

41. Last time you were insulted?

Right now, because people want me to do a TMI.

42. Favourite flavour of sweet?

That sentence literally makes no sense at all. You can have a favourite type of sweet, not a flavour of sweet.
"What's your favourite flavour sweet?"
"Caramel Monkey."
See, doesn't work. I like Mentos and Fruitella's and that's about the extent of it.

43. What instruments do you play?

Well, being the egotistical maniac I am, I could tell you all I play all the instruments, but I wont. I'll be humble. I have an absolutely outstanding singing voice, I'm very humble about it so please, don't ask me to sing.

44. Favourite piece of jewellery?

Ties don't count as jewellery so nothing.

45. Last sport you played?

What the hells a sport?

46. Last song you sang?

I'm No Superman - Lazlo Bane

47. Favourite chatup line?


48. Ever used it?

Yes. It sort of worked. I think.

49. Last time you hung out with someone?

Stop with the euphemisms, please. I do not "hang out" I "assemble my peons".

50, Who should answer these questions next?


I hope you've learnt your lesson internet.