Platform: Xbox 360
Store Page
Price I Paid: Free!
Game two in Call of Duty month is the game that was before World at War and was the first modern day FPS, delivered to us by Intel Core Pr-Infinity Ward apparently and it was then published by Activision. Cool. So, what's it like? It was the first step away from WW2 shooters, so it was a bit of fresh air back in 2007, so it was received extremely well. Is it still good?
Graphics wise, it's still good, for 2007 it's lovely. The best part about the game is it has this thing called a "story", which is very new to the Call of Duty franchise and is lacking in all the future instalments, I'm looking at you CoD: Ghosts. I want to talk about the story a tiny bit, no spoilers though. You play as both the S.A.S. and the US Military fighting the terrorists and SAVIN' MURICAH!
Gun wise, lots to choose from, most, if not all of them new guns because of the new setting, including the infamous grenade launcher, the not so infamous night vision goggles and many an awesome weapon to choose from. The feature of a new multiplayer was the biggest part of this game in most people's opinion. Call of Duty 3 had multiplayer, but Modern Warfare offered a large variety of modern day weapons to choose from and use against other people online, unlocking new camo's, attatchements, prestiges and guns along the way.
There isn't really anything I didn't like about this game, apart from the Ghillies in the Mist mission and the one that followed that. I'm terrible at stealth games, so to have two missions that were necessary to the plot be stealth is asking a lot from me, I remember the first time I played this game, I ended up breaking my controller because of it.
It's one of the best story driven Call of Duty games and introduced the multiplayer aspect of the franchise that is o-so important now.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare gets an 8/10
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