Right, I got tagged in this, so, by the laws of Blogger that means I MUST COMPETE. May the odds be ev-no, wrong thing. Anywho, I have to answer a series of questions so you can get to know me better. Fun.
1. What is your all time favourite skincare product?
What? Uhm, no. Nutella maybe?
2. What is the one thing you are passionate about?
The one thing I am truly passionate about is collecting games, I love going to different game shops, charity shops, car boot sales anywhere I can find cool and interesting items for my collection, or to sell on so I can buy more stuff for my games collection.
3. What is the thing you are most proud of?
Probably my GCSE in Statistics, somehow I passed that, not with flying colours, falling with style colours but none the less a pass is a pass and I have a GCSE in Statistics. (Surprisingly)
4. What is one goal you wish to achieve this year?
One of the things I would like to do this year which would not only benefit me but all my two and a half fans out there is to post at least one blog post per day, not only does this mean I'm on a schedule, ti shows I care. How adorable.
5. What is your favourite animal?
Penguin, Hands (Flippers) down, best animal.
6. What is something you want to do but haven't dared do it?
If anything, it would be to gain some more confidence, like, lots of it. I mean, right now I'm the Leonard Hoffstaeder in Season 1 of the Big Bang Theory confidence, so some improvement is definitely needed there.
7. If you could recommend one thing to your readers, what would it be?
This one relates to the blogging places on the internet. If you are expecting to have thousands of people reading your blog in a matter of days then you are unfortunately mistaken, you will have to be patient and stick to a schedule, which I have a lot of trouble doing for some reason.
8. Who is the most important person in your life?
The most important person in my life (excluding me) would be my best friend Katie. Wouldn't have managed a lot of things without her and I'd basically have little to no friends without her, so I am eternally grateful for that.
9. What place would you most like to travel to?
America. I would love to go to America, there's A LOT of retro games over in America, so I'd end up selling my plane ticket home and, I dunno, stowaway on a boat with about $600 of games?
10. What is your favourite quote?
I've got two, which are these:
"You've only got one spark of madness, you mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams
"I am a quitter, from a long line of quitters, I'm surprised I made it this long." - Bernard Black
11. Where do you feel most comfortable?
Most comfortable place for me would be on my table in the back room, it's my main lair of PC gaming and recently I've been PC gaming a lot.
My Questions
1. Why do you find it necessary to worship the blog questions that have been asked?
2. What's your favourite/least favourite film?
3. What's your favourite/least favourite game?
4. What is your favourite/least favourite book?
5. Who's your favourite actor/actress?
6. What's the most funny thing that's happened to you?
7. Do you follow my blog, if you don't, why not?
8. I'm running out of questions, any ideas?
9. Favourite colour?
10. If you could have three people accompany you through a zombie apocalypse, who would you pick?
11. Can I please stop now?
All the people below have been sentenced to these eleven questions
Ewan from Ewan Rants (because it's an excuse for another blog post)
Maya from Ohemgeeitsmaya
Jake from Hairychimp123
Anyone actually reading this may as well consider themselves tagged in, I don't follow anyone to be honest and these are the only people I know have blogs and know IRL, so there, have it. Do with it what you will and enjoy.
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